The fundamentals of internal examinations
Performing routine internal investigations are an integral aspect of any top-notch security service. To charge anyone allegedly violating company policies internally requires as much proof as prosecuting the thief that breaks the window and runs with assets. These “ insider” risks can hurt your profit line and your business as much as external theft. Whether the theft be cash, stock, time, information, insider knowledge, trade secrets or infractions of policy through intoxicating substances or abuse of colleagues, losses in profits, increases in risks or decreased staff morale can be devastating for most businesses.
Whether your employees are lifting from the cash register, shortchanging customers or other losses are occurring by indirect means internally and externally, Bond Security staff are trained to spot discrepancies in procedures, staff, and customer interactions and provide evidence to allow you to proceed with justifiable protective actions and appropriate consequences. Bond Security staff are highly trained in the skills needed to recognize the use and presence of any intoxicating substances that may place you, your business, your clientele, other staff, your assets, and your environment at risk.
You will receive all the essential information needed to prosecute criminal behavior. Bond Security performs stationary as well as portable observation techniques utilizing up-to-date electronic equipment, advanced observational techniques, and skilled witness statements to provide you with both audiovisual and written reports recording all the pertinent details needed to make a case

Background Checks
Bond Security will acquire essential data to aid you in your selection of representatives/employees. We use conventional sources such as criminal and driving histories, in addition to monitoring online networking/social media sites then compile a comprehensive report to offer a broad picture of prospective applicants helping you acquire quality staff on your team.
Non-Compete Examination
If you have reason to suspect a former employee or company representative is ignoring or violating a confidentiality contract, we will observe, use multiple methods to collect data and the evidence needed to compile the proof to prosecute and convict.

Evaluating Shopping Procedures and Routines
Observing shopping protocols and procedures utilizing different systems and tools will spotlight areas for improvement and help spot any opportunities that allow for potential theft and loss. By designing multiple methods of covert surveillance, money drops set up as integrity tests, and designing Bond Security’s investigative techniques to your specific needs, any lapses or breaches of integrity will show up indicating needs for termination or possible causes for prosecution. The integrity of your team is the basis of success and increases protection of your assets. Bond Security will evaluate and report on the work environment providing details on all aspects of your business such as security assessments of risk and well being, store appearance, sales and safety.
Preventing Counterfeiting And Knock-offs
Bond Security employs staff trained to use superior observation skills, a variety of methods in addition to the latest in technology to spot those who pass off counterfeit funds, deliver, sell, return knockoffs of your specific or brand-name products. We work collaboratively with your legal advisors and the local authorities to confiscate fake merchandise and prosecute the perpetrators.

Covert Operations
We will dedicate one investigator (more if needed) to work covertly at your business area to observe and report on representatives’ activities at work. In the event that any are involved or committing activities that are in defiance of your policies or legal infractions, for example, theft or drug use, we will provide both witness statements and the proof needed to follow through with arraignment. We also report when representatives are acting consistently within your guidelines and policies so that you may implement an internal employee reward program. Having such a program provides incentives to adhere to the company policies and further benefits you as owner and investor.
Security Consultants
Bond Security combines 27 years of experience in loss prevention in both retail and corporate sectors in addition to residential security needs. Bond Security identifies security risks and weaknesses, creating essential protocols specific to your needs to eliminate vulnerabilities. The moment you work with Bond Security Consultants, you receive customized solutions for your specific requirements. Bond Security’s comprehensive range of services, in tandem with our skilled and experienced investigators, have aided corporations, retailers, businesses, and residential communities to protect from and prevent internal hazards and risks.

Investigation In Security Industry
A security investigation may include but is not limited to the following. Investigate suspicious emails. Investigate suspicious logins, system behavior, and networking traffic. Pull forensic system images for certain system breaches, or legal issues, or to determine risk/exposure when a system is compromised or stolen.
The following steps should be taken as soon as the employer receives a verbal or written complaint.
- Ensure Confidentiality
- Provide Interim Protection
- Select the investigator
- Create a Plan for the Investigation
- Develop Interview Questions
- Conduct Interviews
Types of Investigations
- Theft of Trade Secrets
- Workplace Violence
- Workers’ Compensation Claims
- Integrity Checks
- Security Evaluations
- Undercover Operatives
- Sexual Harassment
- Secret Shoppers
Investigation refers to the collection of facts to accomplish a three-fold aim: a. to identify the suspect; b. to locate the suspect, and c. to provide evidence of his guilt.
After a criminal event is over, the investigator is expected to preserve the crime scene, collect the evidence, and devise an investigative plan that will lead to the forming of reasonable grounds to identify and arrest the person or persons responsible for the crime.
A structured approach to incident investigation helps to ensure that all the causes are uncovered and addressed by appropriate actions.
- Immediate Action
- Plan the Investigation
- Data Collection
- Data Analysis
- Corrective Actions
- Reporting
Investigative tools are devices and software used by investigators to find out more about a person, event, or scene. Law enforcement agencies often use them to gather more evidence to solve a crime.
Executive Summary: The Executive Summary is the most important piece of an investigative report. It is also the most read. It should provide a complete, yet concise, picture of the particular complaint or allegation, the scope of the investigative activities, a summary of the findings, and a conclusion.
Investigation Techniques for Solving your Problems
- Identify the problem: Explore the root cause of the problem, areas of impact surrounding the issue, who is involved, and the effect that it has on everyone involved.
- Consider alternatives.
- Evaluate and select an alternative action plan.
- Implement and follow-up.