Who We Are
Bond Security is a Canadian company with our Head Office located in Edmonton. Being local means, we are accessible to our clients at any given time, and we are familiar with Edmonton and the surrounding areas. Bond Security has been in existence for the past twelve(12) years and we provide customized Security Services to meet your business needs, including but not limited to Uniform Security Guards, Mobile Patrol Services, Loss Prevention, and Investigations.
Core Values
Our professional security approach focuses on hearing, seeing, and evaluating through consistent, objective, trained observational skills allowing our people to consistently observe incidents, events, behaviors, incidents, and risk factors the average person misses. Vigilant observation is essential to awareness of possible risks or potential incidents that may occur on our client’s premises.
When necessary, a Bond Security™ employee will offer assistance, even when seemingly not pertinent to his or her job. A Bond Security™ employee will always step up to offer help if incidents occur requiring intervention. This is part of Bond Security’s ongoing commitment to safer conditions for life and work.
Honest and trusted to work unsupervised on premises and with valuables and client property, a Bond Security™ employee person is a person of integrity. This also means Bond Security™ employees report infractions, offer important information and express their opinions in all situations that better our service to you, flawlessly our company and follow our protocols.
Our Mission
Driven to carry out our mission every moment we are entrusted with your security requirements, we focus on three strategic operating priorities:
Mission One
We Listen
Mission Two
We Think Along
Mission Three
We Are Fast

Our Focus
Employee welfare equals customer service – We select only the top security personnel, offer better wages, incentives, benefits and provide room for promotions and advancements. Bond Security™ employees take advantage of regular performance reviews. Exceptional work is rewarded.
Our Goal
At Bond Security™, our goal is to be known as one of Canada’s primary suppliers of elite retail loss prevention agents and onsite roving security and to achieve this recognition through the introduction of best working practices, regular technological monitoring upgrades, supportive development of our employees through ongoing training and access to quality trade tools and electronics.

Our Vision
Bond Security™ seeks to consistently provide premier security solutions and services through creating employment options and career opportunities in private security positions for community members.
Our Commitments
Working with the community, we have signed a memorandum of understanding with the Edmonton Police Services. We are a BBB-accredited business and a long-standing member of the Canadian Security Association(CANASA). As Safety and Liability is of paramount importance to us at Bond Security, we carry a five(5) million-dollar Liability Insurance Policy, Contractor Check Health, and Safety accreditation, and maintain our registration with WCB. We are in full compliance with the Security Services Investigation Act, Security Services and Investigators Regulations Program Policy Manual. Professionalism, Accountability, and Commitment is our top force in providing excellent service.